TIF Cover

TIF Effecten

Address: Room 1903, 19th Floor, No. 258, Wusong Road, Hongkou District, Shanghai, China
Contact person: Joshua Ying WeChat(微信): 15818330219

TIF Effecten is a trusted and experienced partner for companies seeking to go public on the DCSX.

With a team of skilled professionals, TIF Effecten offers a wide range of services to support companies throughout the entire listing process. From preparing listing documents to coordinating with regulatory authorities, TIF Effecten provides customized solutions to meet each client's unique needs and objectives.

TIF Effecten 's deep expertise in the DCSX listing process is a key advantage for companies seeking to list their securities on the exchange. The company's comprehensive understanding of the regulatory environment, combined with its extensive network of contacts and resources, enables TIF Effecten to navigate the complex requirements of the listing process with ease, ensuring that clients are fully compliant with all relevant laws and regulations.

At TIF Effecten , we understand that a successful listing is critical for companies seeking to grow their business. As such, we are committed to providing personalized guidance and support to our clients throughout the entire listing process. Our dedication to excellence, coupled with a focus on the issuer’s business needs in general, including their local business landscape, allows us to provide valuable insights and advice to clients looking to expand their operations in the Caribbean and beyond.

TIF Effecten 是一家荷蘭加勒比證券交易所(DCSX)的知名上市顧問。TIF Effecten 是尋求在加勒比地區公開發行證券的企業可靠合作夥伴。

我們擁有一支經驗豐富的專業團隊,為尋求在DCSX上市的企業提供廣泛的服務。從準備上市檔到管理整個上市過程,包括進行盡職調查和與監管機構協調。我們瞭解成功上市對於尋求籌集資本並擴展業務的公司的重要性。因此,公司提供定制化解決方案,以滿足每個客戶的獨特需求和目標。通過與客戶緊密合作,TIF Effecten 能夠在整個上市過程中提供個性化的指導和支持,確保流程順暢高效。

與TIF Effecten 合作的關鍵優勢之一是公司對於DCSX和加勒比監管環境的深入瞭解。這種專業知識使TIF Effecten 能夠應對複雜的上市要求和法規,確保客戶完全遵守所有相關法律和法規。

TIF Effecten 還對發行人當地的商業環境與需求有著廣泛的瞭解,這使得該公司能夠為尋求在加勒比地區擴展業務的客戶提供有價值的見解和建議。通過利用其廣泛的聯繫人和資源網路,TIF Effecten 能夠幫助客戶識別新的商業機會和潛在合作夥伴。

Contact Info: Listing Executive: Joshua Ying
Registered address/place: Room 1903, 19th Floor, No. 258, Wusong Road, Hongkou District, Shanghai, China
Email: josh.ying@tifef.com and kevin.xu@tifef.com
Company website: www.tifef.com
Local Time
JMYS  $13.80ZGKY  $0.57BDCB-CW  100%SOMS-A1  100%SOMS-A2  100%SOMS-B1  100%SOMS-B2  100%CMRH  $2.50TRUE  $1.50CRLC  $26,067.18KSTE  $0.45CHFU-CW  100%